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RemedyBiz Inc. Code of Conduct Policy

This policy applies to all our resources regardless of employment type or rank. Company employees and contractors are bound by their contract to follow our Code of Conduct while performing their duties.

We outline the components of our Code of Conduct below:


Compliance with law

All employees must protect our company’s legality. They should comply with all environmental, safety and fair dealing laws. We expect employees to be ethical and responsible when dealing with our company’s finances, products, partnerships and public image.



All employees must show integrity and professionalism in the workplace. All employees should respect their clients and colleagues. We will not allow any kind of discriminatory behavior, harassment or victimization.


Absenteeism and tardiness

Onsite core business hours are 8am-5pm Monday - Friday. We can make exceptions for occasions that prevent employees from following standard working hours or days. But, generally, we expect employees to be punctual when coming to and leaving from work. If you must tend to personal matters, please try to minimize impacts to our clients’ business operations by scheduling appointments either early or late in the day.


Personal appearance

As consultants, you are expected follow the clients’ dress code to ensure professional appearance at all times. Supervisors/Leads are required to dress in business professional attire; a sports coat or suit jacket is required at the client site.


Job duties and authority

All employees should fulfill their job duties with integrity and respect toward customers, stakeholders and the community. Supervisors and managers mustn’t abuse their authority. We expect them to delegate duties to their team members taking into account their competences and workload. Likewise, we expect team members to follow team leaders’ instructions and complete their duties with skill and in a timely manner.  We encourage mentoring throughout our company. 


Conflict of interest

We expect employees to avoid any personal, financial or other interests that might hinder their capability or willingness to perform their job duties. 


Disciplinary Actions

Our company may have to take disciplinary action against employees who repeatedly or intentionally fail to follow our code of conduct. Disciplinary actions will vary depending on the violation.

Possible consequences include:

  • Demotion.

  • Suspension or termination for more serious offenses.

  • Detraction of benefits for a definite or indefinite time.


We may take legal action in cases of corruption, theft, embezzlement or other unlawful behavior.

Office Location

1984 Isaac Newton Square West

Suite 202

Reston, VA 20190

2020 by RemedyBiz, Inc.

All Rights Reeserved

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